Category: News

How a Carbon Monoxide Alarm Could Save Your Life

Carbon Monoxide is deadly. As humans, we cannot detect carbon monoxide, as it is a completely invisible substance, with no smell or taste whatsoever, making it impossible for us to notice any signs should there be a carbon monoxide leak in our home. Because of this, it is essential to have an alarm fitted that is especially built to alert you if this happens. Without one, you may not notice a leak in time, or at all, and this can cause severe injuries and in many cases, fatalities.



The dangers of Carbon Monoxide poisoning

Carbon Monoxide is often referred to as ‘the silent killer’, due to the way it poisons our bodies without any physical presence for us to notice. A lot of the time, people only notice that something’s wrong when it has been in their system for a length of time and has already impacted the way they feel. This may start with things like vomiting, but symptoms can also lead to unconsciousness.

Being exposed to Carbon Monoxide for an amount of time can lead to severe damage of your red blood cells, as it interrupts the oxygen flow in your body and stops your cells from functioning properly. In bad cases, victims can end up with extremely bad health issues, such as brain damage and heart failure, and it is common for people to die from the poisoning.



Why you MUST get an alarm

It is recommended that every home has multiple Carbon Monoxide alarms that are located in different parts of the house. This means that if there was to be a leak, there would be an alarm near to wherever it was coming from, therefore alerting you quicker. However, every home needs at least one detector, as it might just be life saving.

As mentioned at the start of this blogs, we ourselves cannot detect any signs of Carbon Monoxide, so if there was a leak, we wouldn’t know anything about it until symptoms of poisoning started to become more prominent. However, in a lot of cases, this is often too late. If exposed to it for too long, it can lead to death, but even if not this severe, it can have a detrimental effect to your health and body.

We all have fuel-burning appliances in our homes, which is often where Carbon Monoxide leaks stem from. Therefore, every home is at risk. Having an alarm will sound and alert you if there is a leak, allowing you to get out of the house ad call for professional help.


If you’d like to know more about Carbon Monoxide poisoning, or have decided you need a detector fitting into your home, we would be more than happy to help. Just get in touch with us via our contact page and we will respond to you with any information you need or make arrangements to come and get an alarm fitted.

The Importance of Electrical Safety Inspections

One of the services we provide to customers, is a safe wiring and electrical safety inspection. Not only this, but we also urge those who have perhaps not had an inspection in a while, to have one carried out, and we want to make more and more people aware of the importance and how they can make your home a better place. Electrical safety inspections apply to just about anywhere with an electric supply, and the impact of these checks can be much greater than you realise.

Firstly, what is an electrical safety inspection?

It basically means having a fully qualified electrician carry out an assessment on your whole electrical system to ensure that it is working properly and safely and that the building is under no danger, risk or threat. It’s extremely important to have these safety checks in place as it prevents things from going wrong and solves any existing or imminent problems within your electrical system.

Why we have them

Before buying any property, it is compulsory to have a safe wiring and electrical safety inspection. Without, you are not permitted to move into the property as you can’t secure a safe working electrical system. Although it’s mandatory at this stage, the importance of actually getting regular checks is sometimes overlooked. Problems can occur at any time which is why we must remain one step ahead and seek professional help and advice if we have any concerns.

Common problems

Problems and faults within an electrical system can vary quite a lot, and as such the damage and outcomes can range from small and minor to big and severe. A lot of the time, these faults can also result in an increase to your electricity bill, and noticing this can be a key indicator that something’s not quite right and you should get it checked out. Other signs of electrical faults may include blowing the fuse, a light switch tripping, and power not working to full capacity.

Why electrical safety inspections are important

Problems within your electrical system can lead to potentially dangerous and serious outcomes, which is why we want to rule out any chance of that happening and stop things before they make too much of an impact. A lot of the time when people come to us for help, it’s because of an already existing problem, and something that’s already happened. An electrical safety inspection is able to get to the root before the issue becomes present and causes damage to the property. No matter how small you think the problem may be, we urge you to get it inspected by professionals, as electrical faults can even cause fires and put you and your home in danger.

Not only will electrical safety inspections fla up any problems and allow electricians to work on them, but they can also be a step in preventing any further issues in the future. An electrician will advise you on how to keep your home safe and avoid causing more problems with your electrics.

For more information or if you have any concerns or enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our contact page and we will be more than happy to help.

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